日本財団 図書館


5)Amount of Rolling Stock
Operating rolling stock: 3 sets
Reserve rolling stock: 2 sets
Total: 5 sets
(3)At the Time of Completion of the Waterfront Development Plan As the peak hourly transportation volume is estimated at 3,300 people, it will be difficult to respond to this with the single track proposal put forward by the Cape Town city administration.
1)Estimated peak hourly transportation volume : 3,300 people
Rate of fluctuation : 120%
3,300 x 120% = 3,960 people
2)Capacity per car: 179 people (0.25 m2/person)
People onboard: 232 people (130% over capacity)
Required number of trains operating: 17 trains (3.5 minute interval)
3)Train Timetable
Considering the operating time between Station G and Station J - the only section
where trains can pass by each other in the single track proposal, the shortest possible
service interval is 7 minutes 20 seconds.
Note : ・Operating time between G-J: 3 minutes 40 seconds (including 20 second stops at H and I)
3 minutes 40 seconds x 2 = 7 minutes 20 seconds
Operating time between E-G: 3 minutes
(including 20 seconds getting off)




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